Georgia Election 2018

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Election day is quickly approaching and I thought it might be a good idea to do a post on the two candidates running in the state of Georgia. This appears to be a very tight race so it's important that we all get out and vote! I think a lot of people in Georgia only vote their party and do not really delve into the issues of each candidate. We have Republican Brian Kemp running against Democrat Stacey Abrams. There are several more issues, but these are a few that seem to be the most debated. 

Stacey Abrams

Gun Control - Most conservative commentary has described her as someone who wants to take your guns away. This is not accurate. Like most Democrats, she simply wants common-sense gun reform. i.e. extensive background checks, protection and services for domestic violence victims, investing in more mental health services, and community support to end gun violence <- An example being that when a gun is seized during an arrest, it is not put back out into the community. She has been scored an F by the NRA. 
Affordable Housing - Abrams wants to assist communities in providing more affordable housing options, end veteran homelessness, fighting stagnant wages that causes people to not be able to afford increasing rent prices, strengthen housing opportunities for people re-entering society after incarceration.
Healthcare - Abrams wants to expand Medicaid, safeguard a woman's access to healthcare and her right to choose, leverage more doctors to work in under-served areas, extra support for the elderly, and to provide proper mental health treatment through trained mental health professionals and not the criminal justice system.
Education - More affordable and quality childcare, fully funded public schools to avoid privatization, giving educators the tools they need to teach effectively, safer schools w/ more mental health services, strengthen debt-free graduation through HOPE and other scholarships/grants and free trade-school education, and also building youth civic engagement.
Criminal Justice - Promote effective community policing that will build trust and keep communities safe. The elimination of cash bail fines rather than jail time for small amounts of marijuana. Also, increased diversion and re-entry programs.
Jobs, Economy, & Infrastructure - Abrams want to keep more money in the pockets of GA residents through the Georgia Earned Income Credit & Cradle to Career Savings Program. Generate thousands of long-term, good paying jobs through small business capital, clean energy investment, & Medicaid expansion. Invest in Georgia's infrastructure and education systems, improve transit, and bridge the skills gap. Raise GA's minimum wage. Setting a goal of 22,000 apprenticeships by 2022 to build a stronger path to the middle class. Promote GA as an open and inclusive state. 

Brian Kemp

Gun Control - Kemp is the guy who famously pointed a gun at a teenage boy in his campaign commercial. So it is safe to say he is pro-gun. Kemp wants to end gun-free zones, he believes a permit should not be required to carry a firearm. He also proposed a sales tax holiday for guns and ammunition. He has an A+ rating by the NRA.
Affordable Housing - I couldn't really get any information on this matter with Kemp. This doesn't seem to be a priority I guess.
Healthcare - Affordable insurance premiums, accessible healthcare, expanded choices in providers, collaboration to address mental health, increase healthcare in rural areas.
Education - Increased teacher pay & fully funded public schools. Support and grow virtual learning for high achieving rural students. According to his website, he says he wants to follow in current Governor Deal's footsteps.
Criminal Justice - Decrease gang growth & quick deportation of illegals. He is against sanctuary cities and doesn't really make a distinction between regular immigrants and criminals so it's hard to decipher what he's saying. Hard deportation of everyone? Just the ones associated with drug cartels? It's not really clear.
Jobs, Economy, & Infrastructure - Kemp wants to make GA #1 for small businesses, cap state spending, audit all tax breaks to protect tax payers, give rural areas the same opportunities as the rest of the state, expand access to high speed internet, support farmers and agri-business. 

So there you have it. They share some similarities, but also have stark differences. They both seem to want more opportunity for small businesses and start-ups. They both want increased funding for public schools & better pay for our teachers. On guns however, Abrams wants stricter background checks while Kemp doesn't seem to want any regulation on who can attain a gun. From what I've read on both of their websites, Abrams site seems to be more detailed. I personally think Kemp's website leaves off a lot of much needed information that a voter might want to see. A lot of it seems vague. I'm having to do further research just to see where he stands on certain issues. 

There has been much debate on the validity of both candidates. If there is anything more prevalent in politics today, it is the hypocrisy. I've heard many on the right say that Abrams is unfit to run the state because she is in debt $200,000 via student loan debt, credit card debt, etc. However, upon taking a literal 2 seconds of my life.. I discovered that Kemp was sued by an investment company for $500,000 after he refused to pay back a loan that he took out. Might I also add that our own president has bankrupted several times and owes money to the government. So with that said, I think we can take all judgement off the table. We need to look at this election from an issues standpoint. Which candidate do you feel stands with you on what's most important? Which candidate will push Georgia forward to a better tomorrow? 

If you are wondering who I am voting for, I think it will come as no surprise that I will be voting for Abrams. 

There are several reasons:
1. We have been a red state for quite a while and I think it's time for a change. Lets see what someone else can do.
2. Kemp's view on guns is a bit frightening. If he wants to get rid of needing a permit to get a gun, is that really smart? How could that possibly benefit us as a state if anyone can attain a firearm? Doesn't seem wise. Also, his A+ rating by the NRA shows that he is also funded by them. So this means his interests is with the NRA, not the good of the people which would explain why he wants anyone to be able to attain one.
3. I don't like how Kemp doesn't distinguish between illegal immigrants and drug cartels. Those are two completely different kinds of people. He groups them together and doesn't state how he plans to handle each separately. This looks to me to be a lack of knowledge and a tactic to scare his base.
4. Abrams wants to make trade-school free. I believe this is a great way to get people into the work force and out of poverty and off the need for government assistance. Kemp doesn't mention anything about college other than that he wants UGA to be the #1 agriculture program in the country. Not sure how that effects the average GA resident but okay..
5. Abrams states that she wants better policing and trust-building in communities. This is the key to a more safe work-life for police officers and better interactions between them and anyone in the African-american community. There are many communities that know the value of building trust.. these communities see good results. I believe this is more effective than simply acting as an authoritative force. Again, Kemp doesn't really touch on the issue of law-enforcement on his site. 

I hope this has been helpful. I tried to stay as non-biased as possible but honestly, I have very strong opinions on this race. I have seen a lot of smears from Kemp in an effort to tarnish Abrams character. He's tried to shame her for the exact same things that he's guilty of. Unfortunately, when conservatives don't research for themselves.. they often fall prey to those lies. Not to mention his attempt at trying to suppress more than 53,000 voters.. most of whom are black voters. The thing about America is that we are a democracy and this is how we elect people, by voting. If you have to cheat to win then you don't deserve the title. Luckily, today a judge ordered that election officials (which Kemp oversees) stop tossing absentee ballots because of mismatched signatures. So with all that said, I believe that Abrams is the better candidate. 

If I've left anything out, feel free to let me know. Also, if anything I've said is untrue please correct me with facts, not opinions or spin. 


1 comment

  1. That was an awesome review and from my perspective a very unbiased review. You gave credit where it was due on both sides. Did you Stacey Abrams is in Thomasville tonight? She will be at a building at 1200 W. Jackson St. I think it is called Reservations something. Not sure.
