A Boy And His Dog!

First, I'd like to say that I appreciate everyone taking the time to read this blog post. It's a lot different from any I have done in the past, but I really felt compelled to write it. 

A girl that I graduated high school with posted on Facebook about her son Griffin and how he had recently been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The video showed him with Legacy, his potential service dog. I teared up watching the video and reading his story. I knew right then I had to bring as much attention to this story as possible. I figured I would write a blog post about it and hopefully reach some people who would never hear of this story otherwise. 

Griffin was born almost 2 months prior to his due date. Luckily, he appeared to be in good health and was sent home not long after. By the time he was 3, his parents along with his pediatrician became concerned because he was not making any noises other than crying when hungry or when showing signs of discomfort. He rarely wanted to play or do other things that kids his age were doing. After a long journey of doctors, therapists, and tests, he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

The past year has been especially difficult for Griffin. He has break downs that are hard to recover from, which makes it nearly impossible for his parents to take him anywhere like the grocery store, mall, park, etc. Sensory issues caused him to not even be able to bear the feeling of clothing against his skin. He also had an issue with Oral Fixation as it became a danger to his safety because he was constantly wanting to put objects into his mouth. Understandably, his parents were very upset and did not know what else to do to help their son. 

Then he started saying things like:

  • I'm just dumb.
  • I'm an idiot.
  • Why can't I be like everyone else?!
  • I can't! I can't!

One night they had to hold him while he cried himself to sleep, saying "I don't fit! I don't fit in anywhere!" Of course, this absolutely devastated them. No parent wants to hear their child say such things about themselves. As he reached school age, he started to notice that he was different from other children. This just made things worse. 

Griffin's parents did research, talked to doctors, and other ASD parents and reached the conclusion that a service dog would be the best thing for him. 

Service dogs offer many benefits to a child with ASD:
  • They offer acceptance and companionship while also helping the child maintain emotional stability. 
  • They can be trained to prevent children from putting harmful objects into their mouths. 
  • Through pressure therapy they can help the child calm down or prevent a breakdown altogether. 
  • They also help the children to have an independence like they have never known before, resulting in higher self-esteem! 
Luckily, Griffin's parents found a place nearby called Appleridge German Shepherds. Griffin has already been to the facility and met one of their service dogs, Legacy. It was love at first sniff! Griffin is normally very cautious of animals, but he walked right up to her and did not appear anxious at all. He was calm and relaxed. He then sat on the floor with her for 30 minutes and any time he would divert his attention elsewhere, Legacy would gently get his attention again by moving her head towards him or lightly licking him. 

There are more steps left in this journey for Griffin and Legacy, which include hand signal commands, bonding, and urban training. After all of this is complete, Legacy will earn her infamous red vest and will officially be able to accompany Griffin anywhere! 

Sadly, this will come at a cost. The cost of Griffins service dog will be $6000. Griffins parents are trying to raise $6500 through their GoFundMe to help pay for the cost of the service dog and the GoFundMe mandatory fee. Any amount that is left over will go towards the well-being of Legacy i.e. vet visits, food, etc. 

This is where you and I come in.. 

Please join me in donating to this sweet boy! Even in the little time they have spent together, there have already been huge signs of improvement. Service dogs are known for being extremely helpful and useful to their owners, even life saving! I want to see Griffin flourish into the kid he really is! If you would like to donate, please click on the link below. [this donation page also offers more information and photos about Griffin and his journey] Any amount will help and Griffins parents would be eternally grateful! 

Free Courses From Top Universities!

I think education is extremely important. Even if you have already graduated college, it's still wise to continue building upon your knowledge. This may be for an advancement at work that you want, a change in career, knowledge to build your own business, or just for personal bragging rights.  

If you've been keeping up with this blog, you know that I am getting into the Tech Industry. I will be taking an actual iOS development course starting in January, but I thought it would be helpful to add anything I could to that, i.e. computer science, Intro to VR and AR, UX Design, UI Design, etc. Granted, I won't become an expert by taking intro courses, but it will give me a general idea of how it all works. 

Luckily, these resources are free and can be added to my resume and LinkedIn page!

Here are some of my favorites: 

1. HarvardX - This is Harvard's free online course program. The lectures are recorded from actual classes at Harvard and posted online. I am currently taking an Intro to Computer Science course. I'm highly impressed so far! I'm about halfway finished.
Link--> https://www.edx.org/school/harvardx

2. Yale - Yale has a free online platform as well. The website is linked to their YouTube channel which has several lectures on different topics. I watched a few lectures from their 'Intro to Psych' course and it was very good. Even though I have already taken several Psych classes in college way beyond an intro class, I still couldn't resist. It's a weakness :-) I also got sucked into watching several lectures on 'Game Theory'. It honestly blew my mind, because I had no idea that was even a thing. After watching a few lectures I realized that it could apply to my future career as well. 

3. Stanford - This Uni also has a YouTube channel. I found this one by accident. As I searched through their channel, I noticed that they had many courses to choose from as well. 

4. GA Tech - All of us from GA know that this school is top of the line. Luckily, they offer free courses as well. I have already taken and completed an Intro to UX Design course from them. The lectures were great and the assignments/projects were great as well. 

I have not done any classes from these Uni's yet, but they also provide free courses:

5 Ways To Crush Your Goals!

The focal point in my life lately has been establishing and completing goals. Nothing is more important to me right now. I know that in order for me to have the life that I dream of, certain things have to happen. I know that a lot of other people want more out of life. Hopefully this will help :-)

1. Define what it is that you want. If you don't know what you're looking for, then how are you ever going to find it? Be very specific about what you want. Do not hold back. For example, my dream life is to work remotely (my own business) and travel the world with my husband and kids. The quicker that I establish that dream, the sooner I can take steps to eventually have that life. 

2. Define your action steps. What is it that you have to do to get to your dream life? Don't look at it as one big, overwhelming step. Look at it in baby steps. Sit down and make a list of each tiny goal that you have to accomplish to reach that one big dream. For me that would be buying a Macbook, taking a course in iOS development, passing the course, landing a job in tech, relocating, gaining experience, working on my app idea, etc.. Your dreams unfortunately are not going to happen overnight. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. 

3. Define your reason why. This is very important. WHY are you trying to accomplish this dream? What fuels you to have this particular life? If you are a single mom, busting your butt, working two jobs and going to school.. my guess is that you want a better life for your children. This is your 'why'. For me, I believe that life wasn't meant to just pay bills and die. We are all programmed to live how we are living because that's what society has created for us. I believe life should be lived more freely. When I am forced to go to a job I hate, work 40 hours for shit money, do the same thing day in and day out.. that is my fuel for change. So my 'why' is freedom. Your 'why' should always be emotionally based. When you find yourself ready to give up, remember your 'why'.

4. Surround yourself with positive people. Nothing will stump your progress like negative people. It would help if you had a mentor or someone that you can call when you are in a slump. Someone that you know only wants the best for you and doesn't project their own insecurities in to the conversation. Someone who will provide constructive advice/criticism to help you get closer to your goal. For example, when I tell someone my dream, I usually get something along the lines of "You're living in a dream world. That's not how life is. You have to work a 40 hr job and pay bills. That's just the way it is." Anyone that has any exposure at all knows that isn't a true statement. It's only true if I allow it to be. Talk to the thousands of people who work remotely and travel most of the year. People who have no awareness of their own dreams will always make yours seem impossible and futile. You will find that most of these people are often miserable with their own lives. Learn to ignore these people and if possible, avoid them. 

5. Stay positive! The situation that seems to happen the most is we establish our goals and start working towards them and then we get discouraged and quit. You have to keep going. No one has gotten to where they want to be without some set backs. 

J.K. Rowling - Divorced, single mother living on welfare.. Rejected by the top 12 media publishing companies. 
Oprah- Fired from her first job as an anchor for being "too emotionally invested" in her stories. 
Stephen Spielberg - Rejected by a film school TWICE. 
Thomas Edison - Told by teachers that he was too stupid to learn anything. 
Walt Disney - Was told that he lacked imagination. 
Albert Einstein - Did not speak until he was 4 years old. 
Stephen King - His first book 'Carrie' was rejected 30 times. 
Michael Jordan - Cut from his high school basketball team.
Sir James Dyson - The creator of the Dyson bag-less vacuum, created 5,126 prototypes before he created a working product.  
Vera Wang - Failed to make the 1968 US Olympic Figure Skating team and was also passed up for a position at Vogue.
Vincent Van Gogh - Only sold one painting while alive. 
Harrison Ford - Was told by an executive that he would never make it in the movie business. 
Steve Jobs - Was fired from his own company in 1985. 
Bill Gates - His first company prior to Microsoft failed miserably.

These people are worth millions, if not billions of dollars. The one thing that they have that others lack is persistence. If you are going to make it, you cannot be mentally weak. You have to decide that no matter what happens or what anyone says to you, you will find a way to make it happen. When you find yourself thinking something negative, consciously shift your thinking to something positive. This will take time. You have to rewire your brain after years of negative thinking.  

I know that my road ahead is going to be very challenging. I am going to be challenged intellectually, financially, and emotionally. I never in a million years thought that I would attempt to be an iOS engineer. To Brandy 1 year ago, that would have been a far fetched idea. Luckily, things have happened along the way that have changed my thinking. I can finally take my interests and turn them into dreams accomplished. 

I hope that you all will do the same :-) 

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."

5 Ways To Win My Heart

1. Be Kind - There's nothing more attractive than kindness. How does a guy treat the wait staff? Does he tip because he knows that his/her livelihood depends on it? Does he care about people that he doesn't even know? Is he empathetic to people who are hurting? I pay attention to all of these things. How does he react to homeless people? Is there a specific cause that he's really passionate about? Like animals or children..? Kindness is very sexy!

2. Be Smart - I really like to be stimulated mentally. There have been a couple guys that I wasn't even attracted to until we started having a conversation. Sometimes what's coming out of your mouth and what's in your head is way more important than anything else. I really need to be able to have a conversation with you about something other than sports. 

3. Your Passion - I think it is so adorable when a guy is really passionate about something. It may not even be something that I know anything about. Actually, it's even better if I don't. It's nice to learn about something new. Sometimes it even ends up being something that I will enjoy as well. Having matching interests upon meeting is not always necessary.. this is one of the reasons why!

4. Make Me Laugh - Being able to make me laugh is a huge plus. Being able to laugh and have fun together is critical in a relationship. If you love sharing meme's and laughing at stupid puns, that's even better.

5. Be Thoughtful - It should come as no surprise that this made the list. I love a guy who is thoughtful. A guy who does things to show he appreciates me on random days for no reason at all other than that he loves me. A guy who loves me enough to show it through his actions. I've never had anyone like this, so having this trait is non-negotiable. 

My Top 5 FLAWS

I actually debated on whether to post this or not, but then I remembered that everyone reading this is also flawed so who gives a crap. 

1. Temper - Okay so I have one haha. If I am accused of something I didn't do (HUGE pet peeve) or feel attacked, you will catch my temper. There have even been a few times in my life where I have been in some kind of a situation with someone and something was either said or done that flicked my inner switch. What happened after that? No clue. I don't know that I can actually control the switch flick in my brain, but I can do better at removing myself from the situation before it gets to that point. 

2. Giving Guys Too Many Chances - I can be incredibly naive when I care for someone. I allow myself to stay in situations that I shouldn't be in anymore. I make a lot of excuses for people. I also have a hard time letting go of people who have long since done away with me. This is something that I am making a conscious effort to change though.

3. Materialistic - I love to buy myself things. DESIGNER things.

4. Shy/Introvert - Whether this is considered a flaw or not is up for debate. I guess it depends on whether being shy or introverted has prevented you from being your best self. In my case, it has. I was extremely shy as a child unless I was close to you. As an adult, I'm not really shy, just introverted. I REALLY treasure my alone time and need time alone to recharge. I think this still hinders me a bit though. 

5. Negative Thoughts - I've really had to work on this lately. It is one of my top things to change about myself. We all have an inner dialogue. Mine is more on the negative side. I believe this has kept me from doing a lot in life and has also kept me in depressed moods. So I always make a conscious decision to redirect my thoughts to something more positive. 

Okay I think that is enough for now. Ya'll don't need to know ALL of my flaws. I'm no fool. 

Meet My Family..

I thought it would be fun to introduce my family to you and list some things that I love about each of them. In this current climate, I think it's better to start focusing on the positives because it is all too easy to point out the flaws in others. 

Here we goooo.. 😁

Momma - [Janice] This is the most important of all my family members. She is the one person in my life that I know always has my back. We don't always get along, but we know how to burn the past and make things right with each other. She is the most giving person that I know. An excellent cook. I am proud of the woman that she is. She has been through a lot of crap, some of which I myself have put her through. I could never repay her for what she's done for me. 

Dad - [Tom] His sense of humor is what I love the most. He can always make you laugh. The jokes and sayings are corny, but you're going to laugh. He is the person I got my free spirit from. He loves his family and is a great grandpa!

Step-Mom - [Angie] I got lucky in the step mom department. She is a very giving person and loves her family immensely. She will bend over backwards to help you. An excellent party planner!

Sister - [Kristy] This is my older sister. She is a protective sister. She beat up a guy on the bus because he pushed me. I was only 5 years old at the time. She is also an excellent mother and raises her kids very well. She's also super artistic and crafty. I hope I am half the mother she is. 

Brother in law - [Rick] He is super motivated. He has his own business and does very well in it. I admire his drive. 

Brother - [James] He is the oldest of my younger siblings. He has a big heart and loves his fiance and chickens more than anything. I'm proud of the man he's become. 

Sister in law - [Lori, James Girlfriend] She is not actually my legal SIL yet, but she totally deserves a spot on this list. She has a beautiful soul. She is so good for my brother and will make an amazing mother some day!

Brother - [Cody] He has a great sense of humor and was one of the sweetest kids when he was younger. He is also a great father and husband. He is in the Army and always makes us proud. 

Sister - [Sydney] She is one of the nicest and sweetest souls you will ever meet. As a child, she followed me around everywhere. If I could go back in time, I would have treasured that time more. She is an excellent mother and wife and her dedication to her family is amazing. Even though she is younger than me, she has set an amazing example of being a new mother. 

Brother in law - [Derek, Sydney's Husband] He is a really funny guy and an excellent father. I love how good he is to Sydney. 

Sister in law - [Breanna, Cody's Wife] She is really fun to talk to. She is also funny and loves her husband and children. I am super jealous of her skin tone!

Granny - [Vera] She is the strongest woman that I know. Her faith is unwavering. She loves her family and always makes sure everyone is okay. If you're hungry, she's going to take care of you! She is the most kind and pure person you'll ever meet. I hope I am as cool of a Grandma as her one day. 

Papa - [L.E.] He is a pistol. He loves his family and will be the first to help you if you need something. He has came to my rescue many times!

Aunt - [Brenda] She has an unwavering faith and is a great person to get advice from. She is also a great singer and talented pianist! 

Uncle - [Michael] He is a really funny guy and will always help you if you need it. He's a great dad and a very hard worker. 

Aunt - [Teresa, Michael's Wife] She is a great person with a good sense of humor and loves her family. She pulls off gray hair better than anyone that I know, I love it.

Aunt - [Tracie] She is really fun to hang out with and talk to. She is a very giving person with a good heart. She loves her child more than anything!

Uncle - [Alan] He is one of the funniest people in the family. He's always got a joke to crack!

Cousin - [Allie] It has been a joy to watch her grow up. She has a big heart. She is currently expecting a child and I know she is going to be an excellent mother. She's also really good at applying make-up!

Cousin - [Allen] He is a really smart guy and super fit. When he sets his mind on something, he does it. He is also an excellent father. 

Cousin - [Chad] My strongest memories of him are from childhood. He would terrorize me with a stuffed raccoon. It was not uncommon for him to terrorize anyone at any given point. He is the brother I'm glad I never had to live with. Haha. 

Cousin in law - [Kristie, Chad's Wife] She is a woman of unwavering faith. An excellent mother and a devoted wife. My cousin scored big with her. 

Cousin - [Jenni] She is a great mother and a great wife. She is also a hard worker and loves her family. I would spend the night with her all the time. I looked up to her a lot as a kid. 

Cousin - [Chris, Jenni's Husband] He is a funny guy. He loves his family and is a great dad. He is also a cop. I rode with him one time and I have to say that I had a newfound respect for him. 

Cousin - [Makayla] She is a spunky and talented teenager. She loves to dance and excels at the Scholars Academy. I'm proud of all she is accomplishing. 

Niece - [Madison] She was probably the most sweet, well behaved child I have ever seen. She loves her family, has an unwavering faith, and I know she will do great things in life. Also takes no crap off of anyone. 

Niece - [Olivia] She is a great dancer. She is super creative. She makes YouTube videos and short films starring her barbies and action dolls, and is very smart. She reminds me a little of myself in that she seems to have more of a free spirit. I'm curious to see where life takes her. 

Nephew - [Ethan] He is a funny and sweet kid. About the cutest thing I've ever seen. I am really curious to see how his personality develops as he gets older. 

Second Cousins - My cousins kids [Mary Beth, Noah, Tuck, Logan, Phoenix, Langley]

Mary-Beth.. this girl is super talented. She is a teenager and is already cutting people's hair. The last I heard she wanted to be a cosmetologist. Also very smart and well spoken. She is definitely going places. 

Noah.. He is super smart and such a sweet kid. It's been fun watching him grow over the years. 

Tuck.. He is the cutest thing and such a sweet kid. LOVES to talk. 

Logan.. He is very smart. He loves to build things. I swear the kid is going to be an engineer!

Phoenix.. She is a firecracker. She loves to aggravate her brother, which is free entertainment for me. She is great at playing the piano and is currently learning to play the violin. I also really love her hair. 

Langley.. She is a beautiful girl and has a good head on her shoulders. She is also a total bad-ass. I don't see her putting up with any guys crap. She is also really smart. 

I also have 2 other nephews and a niece who are babies [Allie, Lochlann, & Lincoln] -  I honestly don't know what else to say about them other than they are super cute and adorable and spoiled in the best ways possible! There is also another nephew on the way via Sydney! 

So as you can see, my family is pretty large and only growing. I hope that they all know how much I love them. Every person, including myself, has flaws. It's what we choose to focus our energy on that will be magnified. Focus on someone's flaws and that's all you will see. Try to look at the positive traits in your family members. Remember the good times and realize that you yourself are imperfect. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can all be set free from the past! 

"If you want to change the world, go home and love your family."

The Danger in Doubting Yourself

I've made a few mistakes in my life, but none so detrimental to my own well-being as self-doubt. There have been things over the years that I have wanted to do, but never pursued because of a lack of faith in my ability to achieve it. Those days are gone though. I will be doing a post on my new career path soon!

Am I terrified to try this? Yep
Am I still going through with it? You bet. 

If I had actually applied myself years ago, I would be much further in life. Instead, I have worked stupid and unfulfilling jobs as a means to make money. A job is more than just making money to pay the bills. 

The career that you choose is important. You spend most of your life at work (thanks to our wonderful government), so it makes sense to be doing something that you like. As people age and still don't seem to have any career fulfillment, ask them why they aren't doing what they really want and you get some self-doubt mixed in with about 30 excuses on why they can't do something. At some point though we have to take accountability for where we are in our personal journey. 

Self-doubt is detrimental to human growth for numerous reasons: 

💣It prevents you from making a decision and sticking with it. You begin to look for constant encouragement or reasons for why you cannot succeed. Many people would never have been successful if they needed to be fueled by other peoples encouragement constantly. You have to believe that YOU can do it. This causes you to switch from one plan to the next with out finishing anything that you start. 

💣It opens you up to self-pity. If something does go wrong in your plan and you immediately resort to self-pity, your whole plan can go down the tube quick. It's okay to be sad about a failure, but don't camp out there too long.

💣It stumps your creativity. When we are feeling thoughts of self-doubt, we are putting ourselves in a situation where we lose our ability to think clearly. If we do come up with an idea that we think would work, we often try and rationalize it and worry what people might think. So instead of taking a bold leap of faith on a business idea, we brush it to the side because someone could make a negative comment about it.

💣It causes procrastination. Instead of acting on something that you should be doing now, you will keep putting it off until it may not even be an option anymore. Many times procrastination becomes a missed opportunity altogether. 

💣It prevents personal growth. This is the most important and obvious one of all. My self doubt has put me in a situation where at 33 years old, I look admiringly at a 20 something for their amazing feats! For someone my age, that is embarrassing to be quite honest. Self doubt can effect everyone, but some people don't suffer from this problem as much as others. There are people who have always believed in themselves and those people nine times out of ten go on to do great things in life. Why certain people think or not think this way is a whole other blog post. 

For those of you who are in high school or fresh out of high school, here is my unsolicited advice: Do NOT doubt yourself. If there is something you want to do, find a way to make it happen. Watch videos, read books, educate yourself. If you don't know the answer to something, ASK QUESTIONS <<< This will help you tremendously. Don't just settle on not knowing. You'll find that many people who are in the place you want to be in, started off in a worse position than you. You'd be surprised at the struggles people have overcome to get to where they are. Do a YouTube search for vloggers who are in the career you want to be in. This has helped me a lot. You will find that many of them share your struggles and can offer tips on how to overcome them. It would also help to surround yourself with people who want similar things; lose the dead weight in your friend circle. You'll be better off for it. Find a mentor. I don't care if your dream is to be a farmer. Go find the best damn farmer in your town and learn everything you can from them, even if it means working for free. Most people would be more than willing to show you the ropes. It doesn't matter if they are only 2 years into their career, they still have 2 more years of knowledge and experience than you do. Immerse yourself. Fake it till you make it. The more you do this, the more it will become achievable. Never ever give up. 

For the rest of you, just know that it's not too late to catch up! I encourage anyone reading this to sit down and make a list of everything you've always wanted to do but didn't because of self-doubt. Maybe it was a career you wanted to get into but didn't think you were "smart enough" or maybe it was a hobby that you didn't think you could master. Or maybe you got married and became a parent at an earlier age and your time/resources are limited. Research and scour the internet. You can find a formula that will work for you! Pick the one most important to you and tackle it! I'm willing to bet that anyone reading this blog could accomplish whatever they picked. 

I hope this has inspired someone to reach for the stars. 'The stars' doesn't have to mean making 6 digits a year while living in a lavish mansion in Beverly Hills while driving an Aston Martin. For some people, living in a double wide in the country is fine with them, for others that sounds like hell. Just make sure that how you're living is what you would have picked for yourself.  'The stars' is whatever fills your heart with joy and for everyone, that is a different path. 

It doesn't matter what your family says or your friends or even your teachers. You can do anything. What you tell yourself is what you will believe <<< This has given me so much power recently. Don't let someone else's self-doubt weigh you down. Believe in yourself, take action, and eventually you will see your dreams come to pass. 


My Unrealistic Christmas Wishlist!!

Christmas is upon us! 🎄 

Even though I don't get gifts anymore, I thought it would be fun to compile a list anyway! 

1. Matte Black Range Rover ↠ Would you just look at this beauty??! I don't think I've ever seen anything more perfect.. 

2. Iphone X ↠ Look, I showed restraint when the Iphone 7 came out. Time for a new toy. I am most excited about the animojis! 
3. Louis Vuitton Backpack ↠ Look at the detail and quality of this bag! 
4. Yves Saint Laurent Bag ↠ Are you beginning to notice a pattern here? And don't try to stiff me with a proxy. I know a fake when I see one. Its all in the stitching and hardware!
5. Crosley Record Player ↠ How freaking adorable is this?! And thanks to Urban Outfitters, you can find LP's for your modern day artist! 

6. Iphone Watch ↠ I still don't have one of these. I need this so I can text and drive at the same time. It's for safety reasons! 

7. Chacos ↠ I low key want these bad boys haha

8. Round the World Plane Ticket ↠ Is it really that much to ask for?? 

9. Laundry Maid ↠ Someone to do my laundry for the rest of my life. I literally don't need you to do anything else. Just my laundry.

10. A Man That Knows What He Wants ↠ An elaborate proposal with photographer hiding in bushes. 

See, I don't ask for much! What is on your ultimate Christmas wishlist?? 

A Letter To The Man I End Up With..

Hello Darling,

I'm not sure who you are. I don't know if you're a stranger or someone I have already met. I have no idea where you live, who you're with, or what you're doing. Despite all the unanswered questions, I already love you. 

I have been preparing to meet you my whole life. For many years I have looked for you. There has always been an aching in my heart that only you could fix. 

There have been men along the way who I wanted so bad to be you. As time went on, I realized that they were not you. They did not match me in my journey. Because of that I know that I have to keep looking for you, just as I hope you are still looking for me. 

I have learned so many lessons through this journey. The experience has taken a young 18 year old girl once full of hope and naivety and bruised and broken her to her very core, almost pushing her to the point of giving up completely. It has crushed dreams and illusions of what I thought love was going to be. It's been 15 years of sleepless nights, settling, crying, depression, rejection, and regrets. It has challenged me to look at myself and see what I needed to change to be a better partner and better to myself. It has forced me to see that happiness isn't found in another person, but in yourself. 

I feel like I am being shaped into the perfect woman for you. I am grateful for everything that went wrong, the lessons, and the personal growth I have been able to achieve by time alone. I have had years to observe successful relationships, failed marriages, and have seen the beauty and ugliness of it all. I have also traveled and lived life to the absolute fullest. I feel like all of these experiences have opened me up to see who I really am and what kind of person that I really need by my side.  

The road has been tough, but it has been rewarding. I am more me than I have ever been and for that I know that I can present the best of myself to you one day; no insecurities, no fear, no games, and no restrictions. I am excited to take care of you, to cook for you, raise children with you, travel the world with you, be your biggest cheerleader, and love you in a way that only I can. 

I will continue to love and live life until we meet. I am no longer looking to fill a hole in my heart, but with the overflowing love for myself that I have found, that love can spill over onto you.  

I hope that you are loving, embracing, and growing in your life too. If things aren't going well, don't be discouraged, and please never give up on us or yourself. Things may be hard now, but the future will be great! 

That I can promise you. 

See you soon, 

Pun Collection

For a while on Facebook, I was posting puns as my status updates. People always asked me where I got them. I will never squeal. Lucky for you guys, I am about to compile a list of some of my favorite puns! 

Prepare to be amazed...

💚 What did the elevator say to the other elevator? 
I think I'm coming down with something. 

💚 What do you call an empty can of cheese whiz? 
Cheese Was

💚 What did the blanket say as it fell off the bed?
Oh Sheet!

💚 Someone has stolen my Microsoft Office, but I will find them. 
You have my word. 

💚 What's Mozart up to these days?

💚 What room can't a skeleton enter?
The living room

💚 Why do mummies make excellent spies?
They're good at keeping things under wraps

💚 All these ghosts and I still can't find a boo.

💚 Why didn't the vampire attack Taylor Swift?
She had bad blood. 

💚 What happened when the dad told a chemistry joke?
There was no reaction

💚 What do you call a fake noodle?
An impasta

💚 Yesterday a clown held open the door for me. It was a nice jester. 

💚 What do you call a cow that deals with money?
An accowtant

💚 I like the way the earth rotates. It really makes my day. 

💚 Why did the frog take the bus?
Because his car got toad

💚 What do you call a snake that is 3.14 meters long?
A pi-thon

💚 I hate spheres. They're so pointless. 

💚 Did you hear about the houses falling in love?
It was a lawn-distance relationship

💚 Are you a geologist?
Because you rock

💚 What did the almond say to the peanut before they fought?
Cashew outside how bout dat

💚 What do you call a business cow?
An entrepe-moo-er

💚 How often do I make chemistry jokes?

💚 What days are the strongest? 
Saturday & Sunday. The rest are week days

You're welcome.

"You're So Picky"

As a 33 year old female, I am often asked what exactly I am looking for in a potential mate. I am not looking for perfection, as I am not perfect myself. Some things though, I cannot compromise on. I haven't always obliged to these requirements. Over the years, I have learned what works for me and what doesn't. So now, I will not even entertain the idea of dating someone unless he has these qualities. 

Here are my partner requirements:

1. CONNECTION ↞ There must be one. It is rare that I have a connection with someone. I am continually baffled at people who have a new partner after every break up. How exactly are you doing this? Is there anyone that you won't date? This confuses me. If there isn't a connection, it won't happen. I know people personally who have settled for whoever, just to say they have someone sitting next to them. I cannot fake love. It's just not who I am. My facial expressions would never allow it. I will literally be the worst person ever. You don't want that. I can only give my best self to someone that I care deeply for. If I have a connection with you, trust me, you'll feel the love and I'll be 100% committed. 

2. TRUST↞ If I can't trust you, we have no chance. I don't want to be a jealous, nosy girlfriend going through your phone. If I have reached the point where I feel the need to do that, we should probably part ways. I need to trust you not to cheat, not to lie, etc. All forms of trust should be secure. Basically, don't make me look stupid for loving you. 

3. VIEWS↞ I cannot date a conservative. I am a progressive. If we cannot agree on social issues, this is going to cause problems. For example, if you think Trump is a great president.. first, I am going to think you're missing half your brain and second, it shows me that you think his behavior is okay. I don't mind being your friend, but it won't get any deeper than that. Who you back politically is a reflection of your personal moral code. I cannot jive with that. Sorry. 


(prəgrɛsɪv  )
1. adjective
Someone who is progressive or has progressive ideas has modern ideas about how things should be done, rather than traditional ones.

4. KINDNESS↞ If you are racist, sexist, homophobic, or have any other hateful tendencies.. we will not make it. I am extremely turned off by hatefulness and ugliness. If you are hateful to someone, you have embarrassed me. You are a reflection of me. This would also effect our parenting. The thought of my future children being hateful asshats, makes me cringe. NOT going to work. 

5. TRAVEL BUG↞ If you are not as hyped up about traveling as I am, be gone. 

6. GOALS/DREAMS↞ We obviously need to agree on where we are headed. I am looking for someone who wants a long term commitment, children, loves animals, wants to travel, and has an entrepreneurial spirit. I don't feel I should compromise my dreams for someone who doesn't have any. I need someone who will inspire me, not bring me down. We need to be on the same page. 

7. SELF-RESPECT↞ You need to know how to take care of yourself. A man should have pride in his appearance. I am not going to be walking around looking like a trophy wife while you look like a hobo. If you expect me to look sexy, I expect the same in return. He should also never wear cargo shorts. 

8. RELIGIOUS VIEWS↞ I am not religious, so being married to someone who is probably wouldn't work out. The only way this would work is if he didn't push it on me or our children. 

9. HEIGHT↞ You have to be taller than me. (I'm allowed one superficial requirement right? haha)

10. THOUGHTFULNESS↞ In order to be with me, a man has to understand what makes me feel loved. This may not be what comes natural to him, but I'm assuming that if he really loves me, he'll figure it out. Random flowers or notes here and there, well thought out gifts on birthdays, holidays, etc. Not that difficult. Every guy I've ever been with was not thoughtful. Now that I think about it, in every relationship I've had, the problems started when there was a lack of effort from the guys side. So this is the main reason why they are now my.... *drum roll*.... ex-boyfriends..

So is it any wonder that I'm single???  😉

Ipod Shuffle!!

I have a wide array of musical likes. I can go from Tupac to Alan Jackson in a matter of seconds. I am definitely not a music snob. I thought it would be fun to put my iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs to play and explain why I love each song! 

1. Easton Corbin - I Can't Love You Back 
↳ Genre: Country

This song is super depressing. The song is basically about a guy who can't love his girlfriend back. By 'back', he means in a physical sense. He explains that no matter what he does, nothing will change what is now his reality. It could be about losing someone to death or a breakup. This is one of my favorite songs. 

2. Jon Langston - Right Girl Wrong Time
↳ Genre: Country

This song is about being separated by distance and how if they had met at another time, it could have worked out. *sobs uncontrollably* 

3. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Sweet Hitch Hiker
↳ Genre: Rock

This is one of my favorite road trip songs! Released in 1972. I love the old stuff :) 

4. Luke Bryan - Strip it Down
↳ Genre: Country

This song is hella romantic. That's all. 

5. Gnash - I Hate You, I Love You
↳ Genre: Pop

This song is powerful. It reminds me of someone that I used to be in love with. The part in the song where he talks about how the other person was slowly killing them and they never even noticed. That really hit home. 

6. The Offspring - She's Got Issues
↳ Genre: Alt Rock

I have listened to this song a million times and it continues to be funny without fail. Almost all of us have been involved with someone that brought just a little too much baggage to the relationship..

7. Kings of Leon - Sex on Fire
↳ Genre: Alt Rock

Just amazing. Idk what else to say. 

8. Ariana Grande ft. Future - Everyday
↳ Genre: Pop

I will let you draw your own conclusions about this one. 

9. Temple of The Dog - Say Hello to Heaven
↳ Genre: Alt Rock

I can't say enough about this band. The vocals, the lyrics, the music, everything about it is amazing. 

10. Etta James - At Last
↳ Genre: Blues

Released in 1960. I low-key want this to be me and my future hubbies first dance song. It's a little bit of seriousness with a touch of humor. 

As you can see, my taste is across the board. If I had to pick a favorite genre, I would have to lean towards Alt Rock!